Members of the Team

atmoflex team
shapeimage 2Jérémie Bec
CNRS researcher
Holger Homann Assistant Professor Giorgio Krstulovic CNRS researcher Mamadou Cisse
PhD Student
shapeimage 6François Laenen
PhD Student

Former members

shapeimage 8Rehab Bitane PhD student

shapeimage 9Benjamin Pergolizzi
PhD student

shapeimage 10Samriddhi Sankar Ray Postdoc

shapeimage 11Ewe Wei Saw Postdoc

shapeimage 12Simon Thalabard Postdoc


bec Jérémie Bec

Name: Jérémie Bec

Position: CNRS researcher

Phone: +33 4 92 00 31 19

E-mail: jeremie.bec at


  • 2005– : Chargé de Recherche CNRS at the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur
  • 2004: Postdoc in the Physics Department of Università La Sapienza (Rome, Italy)
  • 2003: Member of the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, USA)


  • 2002: PhD in mechanics (University P.&M. Curie, Paris)
  • 1999: MD Engineering (ENSTA, Paris)

Personal webpage

Scientific Interests

Turbulence, dynamical systems, turbulent transport, out-of-equilibrium systems, inertial particles, preferential concentration, suspensions of finite-size particles.

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homan Holger Homann

Name: Samriddhi Sankar Ray

Position: Assistant professor

E-mail: holger at


  • 2011–: Assistant professor of the University Nice-Sophia Antipolis
  • 2010: Postdoc in the Laboratoire Lagrange of the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (Nice, France)
  • 2009: Postdoc Ruhr University (Bochum, Germany)
  • 2008: Postdoc in the Laboratoire Lagrange of the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (Nice, France)


2007: PhD in physics (Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany)

2003: MSc Physics Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany)

Personal webpage

Scientific Interests

Hydrodynamics, Plasmas, High-Performance Computing


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krstulovic Giorgio Krstulovic

Name: Giorgio Krstulovic

Position: CNRS researcher

Phone: +33 4 92 00 39 76

E-mail: krstulovic at


  • 2010–2013: Postdoc in the Atmoflex team at OCA (Nice, France)
  • 2010: Postdoc in the Laboratoire de Physique Statistique of ENS (Paris, France)


  • 2010: PhD in physics (University P.&M. Curie, Paris)
  • 2006: MSc Theoretical Physics (ENS, Paris)
  • 2005: MD Engineering Applied Mathematics (Universidad de Chile, Santiago)

Personal webpage

Scientific Interests

Statistical Physics, Turbulence, Dynamical systems.


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cisse Mamadou Cisse

Name: Mamadou Cisse

Position: PhD Student

Phone: +33 4 92 00 30 44

E-mail: mamadou.cisse at


  • 2011: MSc in Atmospheric Phyics (University of Lyon)
  • 2010: MSc in Condensed Matter Phyics (University of Lyon)
  • 2008: MD in Physics and Chemistry (University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal)

Scientific Interests

Turbulent transport, particle pollutant.

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lanen François Laenen

Name: François Laenen

Position: PhD Student

Phone: +33 4 92 00 31 69

E-mail: francois.laenen at


  • 2011: MSc in Phyical Sciences (University of Liège, Belgium)

Scientific Interests

Simulation and modeling in fluid dynamics.

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bitane Rehab Bitane

Name: Rehab Bitane

Former position: PhD student

E-mail: rehab at


  • 2012: PhD on “Transport and density fluctuations in disordered systems”
  • (University of Nice, France)
  • 2007: Master for Graduates in Computational Science and Super Calculus (University of Calabria, Italy)
  • 2006: MD in Physics (University of Calabria, Italy)
  • 2004: BSc in Physics (University of Calabria, Italy)
  • 2002: Geometer diploma (Catanzaro, Italy)

Scientific Interests

Turbulent transport, particle dispersion.

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pergolizzi Benjamin Pergolizzi

Name: Benjamin Pergolizzi

Former position: PhD student

E-mail: pergolizzi at


  • 2012: PhD (University of Nice)
  • 2007: MSc in Mathematics (University of Nice)

Scientific Interests

Dynamical systems, inertial particles.

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ray Samriddhi Sankar Ray

Name: Samriddhi Sankar Ray

Former position: Postdoc

E-mail: ssray at


  • 2010–2012: Postdoc in the Laboratoire Lagrange of the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (Nice, France)


  • 2010: PhD in physics (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
  • 2006: MSc Physics (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)

Scientific Interests

Turbulence, Statistical Physics, Transport.


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saw Ewe Wei Saw

Name: Ewe Wei Saw

Position: Postdoc

Phone: +33 4 92 00 30 44

E-mail: ewsaw at


  • 2009–2012 : Postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (Göttingen, Germany)


  • 2008: PhD in physics (Michigan Tech, USA)

Scientific Interests

Turbulence, turbulent transport, turbulence-particle interactions, preferential concentration.

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thalabard Simon Thalabard

Name: Simon Thalabard

Position: Postdoc

Phone: +33 4 92 00 31 69

E-mail: simon.thalabard at


  • 2013: PhD in physics (CEA Saclay)
  • 2009: Master in physics (ENS Lyon)

Personal webpage

Scientific Interests

Statistical physics, out-of-equilibrium systems, turbulence.


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