H2020         planchedeclinaisons Plan de travail 1 copie 4

ERC HolyEarth                                         ERC ISSP

Les Projets EUROPEENS en cours :

Acronyme Responsable local Titre Début Fin
Marie Curie EMMY Eloisa Poggio Evolutionary Mechanisms in the Milky waY: the Gaia Data Release 3 revolution 01/09/2022 31/08/2024
ERC HolyEarth  Alessandro Morbidelli A holistic approach to understand Earth formation  
ERC ISSP Denis Mourard Interferometric Survey of Stellar Parameters    
H2020 EXPLORE Alejandra Recio-Blanco EXPLORE - Innovative Scientific Data Exploration and Exploitation Applications
for Space Sciences
01/11/2020 31/10/2023
H2020 NEO MAPP Patrick Michel (coord.)  Near Earth Object Modelling and Payloads for
02/2020 05/2023
H2020 NEO Rocks Benoit Carry  The NEO Rapid Observation, Characterization and Key Simulations  01/20  30/06/2022


Les Projets EUROPEENS terminés:

ERC COSMO-SIMS Oliver Hahn (coord.) Astrophysics for the Dark Universe : Cosmomgical Simulations In The Context Of Dark Matter And Dark Energy Research 09/2016 08/2021
ERC KERNEL Frantz Martinache (coord). Ultimate Angular Resolution Astrophysics with kernel-phase and full-aperture interferometry 10/2016 09/2021
Marie Curie TOMMY Chris Wegg Tomography of the Milky waY 11/2018 10/2020
Marie Curie BLOW UP Cornelius Rampf Deflating the blow-up: controlling infinities in cosmic fluid descriptions 12/2018 11/2020
H2020 OPTICON  Florentin Millour OPTICON-INFRIA-2016-1 01/2017 12/2020
 H2020 AENEAS Chiara Ferrari Advanced european network of e-infrastructures for astronomy with ska  01/2017 12/2019
H2020 EUROFUSION Nicolas Besse   01/2017 12/2019
 H2020 NEOSHIELD 2  Patrick Michel Observations de petits asteroides dans l'infrarouge thermique  03/2015 09/2017
 FP7 NEOSHIELD Patrick Michel    01/2012 05/2015
 FP7 SHOCK P.-L. Sulem  Solar and Heliospheric Collision Kinetics : Enabling Data Analysis of the Sun to Earth Plasma System with Kinetic Modelling 01/2012 12/2017
 FP7 EUROVENUS Paolo Tanga European unified research on observations of venus using coordinated space and earth based facilities  10/2013  12/2017

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