C4PO is a research alliance devoted to understand the origin of planetary systems, federating 4 disciplines which are well developed in the Nice metropolitan area:

Its research, resulting from the synergy among these disciplines, covers  multi-scale observations (from lab scale to deep space) and  theoretical and experimental modeling (covering all evolutionary steps from genesis to the current epoch). It has been selected as a "structuring project" in the framework of the UCA-JEDI excellence initiative.

In addition, C4PO offers a well developed program of training at the doctoral and post-doctoral level, offering Ph.D and post-doc positions, organizing schools and workshops in the Nice area, exchanging students with partners laboratories abroad, providing online courses and other pedagogical material.

C4PO is a joint effort of about 100 scientists in multiple labs: Lagrange and Geoazur at Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Cemef and Persee at Mines ParisTech, ICN and LPMC at Université Côte d'Azur and INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Mediterranee.


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