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Summer School 26th July -5 August 2016


This summer school was organized at the Institute of Cargèse from Tuesday, July 26, 2016 until Friday, August 5, 2016.
(Arrival Monday 25th, possibility to leave Saturday morning 6th August)
12-day school program will include sixteen interventions of key speakers.
In addition, some participants have presented their latest work on scientific themes of the school (Oral or Poster presentation).
The school's program was focus on the different tools (theoretical, numerical, experimental
and observational) used in the study of turbulent environments in geophysical and astrophysical flows.
Below is a partial list of the major topics to be discussed:
MHD Turbulence, helicity and Topology, High-Performance Computing (HPC), Stratified turbulence
Solar Wind, Waves and intermittency, Magnetic Reconnection, Fluid plasmas: Landau Fluids,
Electron MHD, Lagrangian Tracers, Magnetic Field Generation,Turbulent Dynamo, Modeling Turbulent Flows, Multi-scale Interactions, Shear and Large-scale, Rotating turbulence,
Generation Waves and Eddies, Vertical Transport and Mixing and Zonal Flows.

This school was also an opportunity to pay tribute to the work and career of Annick Pouquet ,
who has greatly contributed on the different topics and who will attend this school.

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Organisers : Yannick Ponty, Hélène Politano & Sébastien Galtier.

Financial supports :
la formation permanente du CNRS , Programme National Terre-Soleil PNST (INSU-CNRS),
University of Nice-Sophia, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Labex PLAS@Par, Laboratoire Lagrange,
Fédération W. Doeblin (UNS).

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Scientific schedules : pdfAGAT2016.pdf   -  Group picture !

Key Note speakers :

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Fisrt Name

Amard Louis Université de Genève/Montpellier Talk
Anisotropic turbulence in stellar radiative regions
Andres Nahuel École Polytechnique Talk
von Kármán-Howarth equation for 3D full two-fluid plasma
Arora Pankhuri École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs de Poitiers

Bell Nick University of Warwick poster
Wave turbulence in rotating MHD
ENS Lyon    
Brunetti Gianfranco Università della Calabria

Cameron Alexandre ENS Paris talk Large scale instabilities in 3D helical flows
Caquas Aurore Université Paris Sud

Cole Laura Newcastle University

Commenge Julien University Paris-Sud

Cornuault Nicolas Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie + CNRS talk A possible disruption of accreting filamentary streams in galactic halos
Dallas Vassilios University of Leeds Talk
Large scale statistical equilibria in helical turbulence
De Giorgio Elisa Università della Calabria

Dean Cayla Nova Southeastern University Talk
Biomixing due to diel vertical migrations of zooplankton: Comparison of computational fluid dynamics model with observations
Evirgen Cetin Newcastle University
Fan Xiang University of California, San Diego talk Cascades and Spectra of Turbulence in Spinodal Decomposition
Hassaini Roumaissa Université Grenoble Alpes talk and poster
Finite-size effects in gravity-capillary wave turbulence
Krstulovic Giorgio CNRS Talk
Evolution of a superfluid vortex filament tangle
Laenen Francois Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur Talk
Turbulence modulation by heavy particles
Lam Kameng Macau University of Science and Technology

Le Reun Thomas Aix-Marseille Université

Marino Raffaele Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon Talk
Characterization of the dual energy cascade in rotating stratified geophysical flows
Menu Melissa Ecole Polytechnique, ENS

Noullez Alain CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur Talk
Homogeneity and Isotropy of the Taylor-Green Vortex: The Fate of the Kolmogorov and Yaglom Relations
Owen Alex University of Exeter

Pandit Rahul Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Talk
Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes Turbulence
Petitdemange Ludovic Ecole Normale Supérieure

Plihon Nicolas ENS Lyon CNRS Talk
Towards a von-Karman plasma experiment
Pumir Alain ENS Lyon CNRS Talk
Particle motion and irrevesibility in turbulence
Raynaud Raphael Institute for Research in Fundamental Science (IPM) Talk
Convective dynamos: symmetries and modulation
Sahoo Ganapati University of Rome Tor Vergata
Effects of helicity in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Saw Ewe-wei CEA Saclay

Shukla Vishwanath École Normale Supérieure de Lyon Talk
Statistical theory of reversals in two-dimensional confined turbulent flows
Shumaylova Valeria Cambridge Talk Transition from large- to small-scale dynamo in boxes of large aspect-ratio
Skipp Jonathan University of Warwick poster Bose-Einstein condensation in fusion plasmas and planetary atmospheres?
Soloviev Alexander Nova Southeastern University
Magnetic Signatures of Fine-scale Processes in the Ocean Surface Layer
Sozza Alessandro Universita' degli Studi di Torino Talk
Confinement and Clustering of Floaters on Isopycnal Surfaces
Tsang YueKin University of Exeter
Effects of a guided-field on particle diffusion in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Villois Alberto University of East Anglia Talk
Vortex scattering in a superfluid
Viviani Mariangela Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research

Zeitlin (Tseitline) Vladimir Université P. et M. Curie/Ecole Normale Supérieure Talk
On the dynamical nature of Saturn's North Pole hexagon

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