Current projects

• Fault Slip Experiment at the Mont-Terri Underground Laboratory (Switzerland) funded by Swisstopo and the Mont Terri Consortium (2017-present) (PI: Yves Guglielmi, LBNL, US)

• ANR INSEIS (2023-2027) funded by the ANR (PI: Louis De Barros, Université Côté d'Azur, Geoazur)

• ERC Starting Grant HYQUAKE (2022-2027) funded by the European Research Council (PI: Marco Maria Scuderi, La Sapienza University, Roma, Italy)

Past projects

• Dynamic Fault Rupture and Damage funded by ANR FAULT_R_GEMS (2018-2021)

• Fluid-induced fault slip funded by TOTAL (2020)

• ANR HYDROSEIS (2014-2018) funded by the ANR JCJC

• ANR SLAMS (2010-2013) funded by the ANR RiskNat

• Fluids and Seismic Rupture (2012) funded by CNRS/INSU

• CO2 and induced seismicity (2010-2012) funded by the US Department of Energy (DOE)

• ANR HPPP-CO2 (2008-2011) funded by the ANR Captage de CO2

• PETRO-PRO (2009-2011) funded by the Région PACA

• MoniDer (2007-2009) funded by the Région PACA

• France-Berkeley Funds (2006-2008) funded by the French and US Ministry of Research

• Natural Analogue Study for CO2 Geological Sequestration (2005-2007) funded by the Japanese Ministry of Research

• GIS-CURARE (2006) funded by the Conseil Général des Alpes-Maritimes

• BCRD-DRS-03 (2002-2005) funded by the INERIS

• PNRN "Natural Hazards" (2001-2002) funded by the French Ministry of Research

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