ADION & International development
The Association for the International Development of the Nice Observatory (ADION) was created in June 1962 (1) with the aims : For 52 years, it participated in the influence of the observatory in different forms : It will officially cease its activities in December 2014 (2). |
Bulletin d'information - Association pour le développement international de l'Observatoire de Nice (1964-1973)
The ADION newsletter offers an overview of 40 years of scientific and administrative activities within the Nice observatory (1964-2003) as well as the role and activities of the association. Current research, projects and means implemented (staff, instruments, infrastructure) to enhance the establishment and promote national and international collaborations are presented.
In 1974, the bulletin changed its title to become the ADION Bulletin, while maintaining the same objective. This publication will appear until 2003.
Conditions of access : restricted access to OCA staff. The option "to find out more" allows you to consult the contents of the journal. |
n.1, 1964 (to find out more) | n.2, 1965 (to find out more) | n.3, 1966 (to find out more) | n.4,1967 (to find out more) |
n.5, 1968 (to find out more) | n.6,1969 (to find out more) | n.7, 1970 (to find out more) | n.8, 1970 (to find out more) |
n.9,1970 (to find out more) | n.10,1971 (to find out more) |
Bulletin de l'ADION (1974-2003)
n.11, 1974 (to find out more) | n.12,1975 (to find out more) | n.13-14,1976-1977 (to find out more) | n.15-16,1978-1979 (to find out more) |
n.17, 1980 (to find out more ) | n.18,1981 (to find out more) | n.19,1982 (to find out more) | n.20-21, 1983-1984 (to find out more) |
n.22,n.22, 1984-1985 (to find out more) | n.24 [23-24], 1987-1988 (to find out more) | n.25, 1989-1990 (to find out more) | n.26, 1991 (to find out more) |
n.27,1992-1993 (to find out more) | n.28, 1993-1994 (to find out more) | n.29, 1995 (to find out more) | n.30,1996 (to find out more) |
n.31,1997 (to find out more) | n.32,1998 (to find out more) | n.33,1999 (to find out more) | n.34, 2000 (to find out more) |
n.35-36, 2001-2002 (to find out more) | n.37, 2003 (to find out more) |
Minutes of the ADION General Assemblies (available in ADION bulletin until 2003 ; isolated from 2008-2013)
- Minutes of the statutory General Assembly of ADION of July 4, 2008
- Minutes of the statutory General Assembly of ADION of August 14, 2009
- Minutes of the ADION General Assembly of September 22, 2010
- Minutes of the ADION General Assembly of November 4, 2011
- Minutes of the ADION General Assembly of November 14, 2012
- Minutes of the ADION Extraordinary Assembly of February 13, 2013
ADION medalists (1963-2003) (chronological order ; alphabetical order)
The ADION medal was founded by Jean-Claude Pecker in 1962. Since 1963 ADION has awarded almost every year a medal honoring a French or foreign scholar known worldwide both for the importance of his scientific contribution to the developments of astronomy and astrophysics and for the role he played in establishing international cooperation in our science (4). Awarded by the ADION Council on the recommendation of a Medal Committee, its composition and operating rules have varied over time. In particular, the integration in 1988 of the Nice Observatory into a larger institute, the Observatory of the Côte d'Azur, led to a modification of the method of awarding the medal. Since 1991, the medal honors a scientific personality whose contributions to the advancement of science have, or have had, a significant impact on the research developed at the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur. (5)
Medalists classified in chronological order (click on the family name to see the biography or on ADION bulletin to see the attribution or the speetch)
1963 - 1st ADION medal - Danjon, André, French astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.1,p.35-37)
1964 - 2nd ADION medal - Minnaert, Marcel Gilles Jozef , Belgian and Dutch astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.1, p.38-39)
1965 - 3rd ADION medal - Strömgren, Bengt , Danish astronomer and astrophysicist (cf. Bull. Adion n.2, p.19-22).
1966 - 4th ADION medal - Heckman, Otto, Dutch astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.3, p.31-34)
1967 - 5th ADION medal - Fehrenbach, Charles, French astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.4 , p.29).
1968 - 6th ADION medal - Mikhaïlov, Alexandre A., professor and member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (cf Bull. Adion n.5, p.31-33).
1969 - 7th ADION medal - Sadler, Donald H., British astronomer and mathematician (cf Bull. Adion ,n.6 p.37-40).
1970 - 8th ADION medal - Lallemand, André , French astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.7, p.35-37).
1971 - 9th ADION medal - Bok, Bart J., Dutch-American astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.8 , p.39-42).
1972 - 10th ADION medal - Perek, Lubos, Czech astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.9, p.41-43)
1973 - no medal awarded (cf Bull. Adion n.10, p.31)
1974 - 11th ADION medal - Swings, Pol, astrophysicien belge (cf. Bull. Adion n.11, p.56-57 ; 58-68)
& 12th ADION medal - Schatzman, Evry, astrophysicien français (cf. Bull. Adion n.11, p.56-57 ; p.69-73).
1975 - 13th ADION medal - Strand, Kaj Aage , Danish astronomer, Scientific Dir. of the US Naval Research Lab., Washington, D.C from 1963 to 1977 (cf. Bull. Adion n.12, p.45-46 ; 47-48).
1976 - 14th ADION medal - Christiansen, Wilbur N., Australian radio astronomer, prof. at the University of Sydney (cf Bull. Adion n.13-14 , p.51-52 ; 53-61)
1977 - 15th ADION medal - Delhaye, Jean, French astronomer, Director of INAG from 1971 to 1979 (cf Bull. Adion n.13-14, p.83-84 ; 85-88).
1978 - 16th ADION medal - Oort, Jan H., Dutch astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.15-16, p.35-36 ; 37-41).
1979 - no medal awarded (cf Bull. Adion n.18, p. 45)
1980 - 17th ADION medal - Pecker, Jean-Claude, French astrophysicist, prof. Collège de France (cf.Bull. Adion n.18 , p.53-54 ; p.55-57)
1981 - 18th ADION medal - Jager, Cornelis (dit kees) de, Dutch astronomer, prof. Utrecht University (cf Bull. Adion n.19, p.29-30 ; 31-33)
1982 - 19th ADION medal - Fricke, Walter, Dutch prof. , Dir. Astronomisches Rechen Institut of Heidelberg (cf Bull. Adion n.20-21, p.25-26 ; 27-29).
1983 - 20th ADION medal - Paczinski, Bohdan, Polish astronomer, prof. Princeton University (cf. Bull. Adion n.20-21, p.41-42 ; 43-44)
1984 - 21th ADION medal - Ledoux, Paul , Belgian astronomer, prof. Université de Liège (cf Bull. Adion n.22, p.43-44, 45)
1985 - 22th ADION medal - Schwarzschild, Martin , German American astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.24, p.11)
1986 - 23th ADION medal - Hoyle, Fred , British cosmologist and astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.24 , p.13 et n.25, p.41-44)
1987 - 24th ADION medal - Burbidge, Margaret , British astrophysicist naturalized American (cf Bull. Adion n.24, p.13, p.15-17)
1988 - 25th ADION medal - Sandage, Allan, American astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.27, p.63)
1991 - 26th ADION medal - Osaki, Yoji , Japan astronomer, professor Tokyo university (cf Bull. Adion n.26, p. 63, 65-66)
1992 - 27th ADION medal - Roddier, François, French physicist and astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.27 , p. 65, 67-69)
1993 - 28th ADION medal - Kraichnan,Robert, American physicist known for his work on turbulence (cf. Bull. Adion n.28, p.43 , n.29 p.49-50, p.51-52)
1994 - 29th ADION medal - Townes, Charles Hard, american physicist and prof. , Nobel prize of physics 1964 (cf. Bull. Adion n.29, p.49-50 , p.53-55)
1995 - 30th ADION medal - Arnold, Vladimir Igorevitch, russian mathematician, prof. Univ. Paris-Dauphine and Moscou (cf.Bull. Adion n.30, p.61 ; 62)
1996 - 31th ADION medal - Parker, Eugène, American astrophysicist specializing in the Sun (cf.Bull. Adion n.31, p.61 ; p.62-64)
1997 - 32th ADION medal - Perryman, Michael, british astronomer (cf Bull. Adion n.32, p 51, 52-54)
1998 - 33th ADION medal - Mayor, Michel, Swiss astrophysicist (cf Bull. Adion n.33, p.63, 64-65)
1999 - no medal awarded
2000 - 34th ADION medal - Dziembowski, Wojteck, Polish astronomer, University of Warsaw (cf Bull. ADION, n.34, p.47 ; n.35-36, p.75-77)
2001 - 35th ADION medal - Geller, Margaret, American astronomer and professor (cf Bull. ADION, n.35-36, p.73 ; 78 et n.37, p.49 , p.51)
2002 - 36th ADION medal - Weiss, Rainer, American professor, work on gravitational waves, Nobel Prize in physics in 2017(cf Bull. ADION, n.35-36, p.73 ; 79 et n.37, p.49, p.51 )
2003 - 37th ADION medal - Peebles, Philip James Edwin, cosmologue américain, Prix nobel de physique en 2019 (cf Bull. ADION, n.37, p.49 p.52)
2006 - 38th ADION medal - Hénon, Michel, mathematician and astronomer, obs. de la Côte d'Azur
2007 - 39th ADION medal - Meyer, Yves, french mathematician (remise de la médaille le 3 dec. 2009, texte dans le compte rendu de l'AG 2008)
2008 - 40th ADION medal - Gustaffson, Bengt, Swedish astronomer (medal awarded on Dec. 17, 2009, text in the report of the 2008 General assembly)
2011 - 41th ADION medal - Virieux, Jean, french professeur in Earth science , Université Grenoble Alpes (medal awarded on July 10, 2012, text in the report of the 2012 General Assembly)
2013 - 42th ADION medal - Baglin, Annie, French astrophysicist (medal awarded on June 27, 2014)
2015 - 43th ADION medal - attribuée conjointement à : Nolet, Guust (professor of Geophysics, Géoazur, Univ. de Nice) et Ehgamberdiev, Shuhrart (dir. de l'Institut Ulg Beg de Taskent, Ouzbekistan) (remise de la médaille le 23 oct. 2015)
Medalists listed in alphabetical order (click on the family name to consult the biography or on ADION bulletin to see the attribution or the speech)
Arnold, Vladimir Igorevitch (30ème, 1995, cf. Bull. Adion n.30, p.61 ; 62) - Baglin, Annie (42th , 2013) - Bok, Bart J. (9ème, 1971, cf Bull. Adion n.8 , p.39-42 ). - Burbidge, Margaret (24ème, 1987, cf Bull. Adion n.24, p.13, p.15-17 ) - Christiansen, Willbur N. (14ème, 1976, cf Bull. Adion n.13-14 , p.51-52 ; 53-61) - Danjon, André (1ère, 1963 , cf Bull. Adion n.1, p.35-37) - Delhaye, Jean (15ème, 1977, cf Bull. Adion n.13-14 , p.83-84 ; 85-88). - Dziembowski, Wojteck, Univ. de Varsovie (Pologne) (34ème, 2000, cf Bull. Adion, n.34, p.47 ; n.35-36, p.75-77) - Ehgamberdiev, Shuhrart (43e, 2015, conjointement avec Guust Nolet) - Fehrenbach, Charles (5ème, 1967, cf Bull. Adion n.4 , p.29). - Fricke, Walter (19e, 1982, cf Bull. Adion n.20-21, p.25-26 ; 27-29) - Geller, Margaret (35ème, 2001, cf Bull. ADION, n.35-36, p.73 ; 78 et n.37, p.49) - Gustaffson, Bengt (40e, 2008, cf. 2008 General assembly)- Heckman, Otto (4ème, 1966, cf Bull. Adion n.3, p.31-34) - Hénon, Michel, (38e, 2006) - Hoyle, Fred (23e, 1986, cf Bull. Adion n.24 , p.13 et n.25, p.41-44 ) - Jager, Cornelis ( dit kees) de (18e, 1981, cf Bull. Adion n.19, (p.29-30) - Kraichnan, Robert (28ème, 1993, cf.Bull. Adion n.28, p.43) - Lallemand, André (8ème, 1970, cf Bull. Adion n.7, p.35-37) - Ledoux, Paul (21e, 1984, cf Bull. Adion n.22, p.43-44, 45) - Mayor, Michel (33ème, 1998, cf Bull. Adion n.33, p.63 , p.64-65) - Meyer, Yves (39ème, 2009) - Mikhailov, Alexandre A. (6ème, 1968, cf n. 5, p.31-33) - Minnaert, Marcel Gilles Jozef (2ème, 1964, cf Bull. ADION, n.1, p.38-39) - Nolet, Guust (43e, 2015, conjointement avec Shuhrat Ehgamberdiev)- Oort, Jan H. (16ème, 1978, cf Bull. Adion n.15-16, p.35-36 ; 37-41) - Osaki, Yoji (26ème , 1991, cf Bull. Adion n.26, p. 63, 65-66) - Paczinski, Bohdan (20e, 1983, cf. Bull. Adion n. 20-21, p.41-42 ; 43-44) - Parker, Eugène (cf.Bull. Adion n.31, p.61 ; p.62-64) - Pecker, Jean-Claude (1980, cf. Bull. Adion n.18 , p.53-54 ; p.55-57) - Peebles, Philip James Edwin (37ème, 2003, cf Bull. ADION, n.37, p.49 p.52) - Perek, Lubos (10ème, 1972, cf Bull. Adion n.9, p.41-43) - Perryman, Michael (32ème, 1997, cf Bull. Adion n.32, p 51, 52-54) - Roddier, François (27ème, 1992, cf n.27 , p. 65, 67-69) - Sadler, Donald H. (7ème, 1969, cf n.6, p.37-40). - Sandage, Allan (25ème, 1988, cf n.27 , p.63) - Schatzman, Evry (12ème, 1974, cf. Bull. Adion n.11, p.56-57 ; p.69-73) - Schwarzschild, Martin (cf Bull. Adion n.24, p.11) - Strand, Kaj Aage (13ème, 1975, cf. Bull. Adion n.12, p.45-46 ; 47-48). - Strömgren, Bengt (3e, 1965 - cf. Bull. Adion n.2, p.19-22 ) - Swings, Pol (11ème, 1974, cf. Bull. Adion n.11, p.56-57 ; 58-68) - Townes, Charles Hard (29ème, 1994 , cf. Bull. Adion n.29, p.49-50 , p.53-55) - Virieux, Jean (41ème, 2011, cf. 2011 ADION General assembly) - Weiss, Rainer (36ème, 2002, cf Bull. ADION, n.35-36, p.73 ; 79 et n.37, p.49 et 51)
ADION prize (1991-2004)
The ADION Prize is awarded to civil or legal persons for work of exceptional interest, carried out on a voluntary basis within the Côte d'Azur Observatory, in particular by amateur astronomers (6)
1991 - ADION Prize - Gilli, René (cf Bull. ADION n.26 ,p.69-72)
1997 - ADION Prize - Thorel, Jean-Claude & Thorel, Yvonne Ensargueix (cf. Bull. Adion n.26 p.45-58 ; n.27, p.73-80 ; n.29 p.59-72 ; n. 32, p.56 )
1999 - ADION Prize - Association NOVAE (cf. Bull. Adion n.30 p.67-73 ; n.32 p.55-56 ; n.33, p.67-68)
2004 - ADION Prize - Morlet, Guy & Salaman, Maurice, amateur astronomers, members of the double stars commission of the French Astronomical Society (cf. Bull. ADION, n.33 p.71-74 ; n. 37, p.55)
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(1) Filing of the ADION statutes at the Alpes-Maritimes prefecture on June 16, 1962 under number 5112 . The decree of September 15, 1966 recognizes ADION as an establishment of public utility.
(2) The decree of December 03, 2014 approves the dissolution of ADION (source : Légifrance)