Peer-reviewed papers
* for PhD and Post-doc under my supervision
♦ Larsen K., Krot AN. , Wielandt D., Nagashima K., Libourel G. and Bizzarro M. (2025) Type B – Type C CAI in a CR chondrite: Evidence for multiple melting events, gas-melt interaction, and Oxygen-isotope exchange. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, in press
♦ Connolly Jr H. C., Lauretta D. S., …. Libourel G., …et al., (2025) An Overview of the Petrography and Petrology of Particles from Aggregate Sample from Asteroid Bennu. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, in press
♦ McCoy, T.J., Russell, S.S., Zega, T.J., …. Libourel G., …et al., (2025) An evaporite sequence from ancient brine recorded in Bennu samples. Nature 637, 1072–1077.
♦ Seret A., Libourel G., (2025) Chondrites as thermal and mechanical archives of accretion processes in the Solar protoplanetary disk. Earth Planetary Science Letters 649, 119066.
♦ Libourel G., Mokhtari M., Rohani V., Bourdon B., Ganino C., Lagadec E., Vennéguès P., Guigoz V., Cauneau F., Fulcheri L. (2024) High-temperature dust formation in carbon-rich astrophysical environments. Nature Astronomy,
♦ Lauretta D. S., …. Libourel G., …et al. (2024) Asteroid (101955) Bennu in the laboratory: Properties of the sample collected by OSIRIS-REx. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 59, 2453-2486.
♦ Krot A., Nagashima K., Ivanova M. A., Lauretta D. S., Libourel G., Johnson B. C., Brenker F. E., Hoffman V., Bizzarro M. (2024) Mineralogy, petrology, and oxygen isotopic compositions of chondritic and achondritic lithologies in the anomalous CB carbonaceous chondrites Sierra Gorda 013 and Fountain Hills. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 59, 754-777.
♦ Guigoz V., Seret A., Portail M., Ferrière L., Libourel G., Connolly Jr H. C., Lauretta D. S. (2024) High-resolution cathodoluminescence of calcites from the Cold Bokkeveld chondrite: New insights on carbonatation processes in CM parent bodies. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 59, 2432-2452.
♦ Libourel G., Beck P., Nakamura A.M., Vernazza P., Ganino C., Michel P. (2023) V-type asteroids as the origin of mesosiderites. Planetary Science Journal. 4 (7), 123
♦ Morbidelli A., Libourel G. (2023) Formation de la Terre. Encyclopaedia Universalis.
♦ Libourel G., Nagashima K., Portail M., Krot AN. (2023) On the significance of oxygen-isotope variations in chondrules from carbonaceous chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 346, 102-20
♦ Frattin E., Martikainen J., Muñoz O., Gómez-Martín JC., Jardiel T., Cellino A., Libourel G., Muinonen K., Peiteado M., Tanga P. Experimental phase function and degree of linear polarization curve of olivine and spinel and the origin of the Barbarian polarization behaviourv Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 517, 5463-5472 (2022)
♦ Tachibana S. et al.... Pebbles and sand on asteroid (162173) Ryugu: In situ observation and particles returned to Earth. Science 375, 1011-1016 (2022)
♦ Libourel G., Nagashima K., Portail M., Krot AN. Oxygen isotope variations in Mg-rich olivines from type I chondrules in carbonaceous chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 319, 73-93 (2022)
♦ Fu R., Volk M.W.R, Bilardello D., Libourel G., Lesur G., Ben Dor O. The fine-scale magnetic history of the Allende meteorite: Implications for the structure of the solar nebula. AGU advances 2 (3), e2021AV000486 (2021)
♦ Miyamoto H., …, Libourel G., …et al., Surface Environment of Phobos and Phobos Simulant UTPS. Earth, Planets and Space. 73, Article number: 214, DOI:10.21203/ (2021)
♦ Libourel G., Ganino C., Delbo M., Niezgoda M., Remy B., Aranda, L., Michel P. Network of thermal cracks in meteorites due to temperature variations: new experimental evidence and implications for asteroid surfaces. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 500 (2), 1905-1920 (2021)
♦ Libourel G., Extraterrestrial glasses. In Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture, 2 Volume Set. Pascal Richet editor. ISBN: 978-1-118-79949-9 (2021)
♦ Ganino C., Libourel G. (2020) Fumarolic-like activity as the origin of CV and CO meteorite parent body metamorphism. Science Advances, 6, no. 27, eabb1166
♦ Morbidelli A., Libourel G., Palme H., Jacobson S.A., Rubie D.C. (2020) Subsolar Al/Si and Mg/Si ratios of non-carbonaceous chondrites reveal planetesimal formation during early condensation in the protoplanetary disk. Earth and Planetary Science letters, 538.
♦ Maurel C, Michel P, Owen JM, Binzel RP, Bruck-Syal M, Libourel G., (2020) Simulations of high-velocity impacts on metal in preparation for the Psyche mission. Icarus 338, 113505.
♦ Lauretta D.S., Hergenrother C.W., … Libourel G., …et al. (2019) OSIRIS-REx discovery of particle ejection from asteroid (101955) Bennu. Science 366, eaay3544. DOI: 10.1126/science.aay3544.
♦ Libourel G., Nakamura A.M., Beck P., Potin S., Ganino C., Jacomet S., Ogawa R., Hasegawa S., Michel P. (2019) Hypervelocity impacts as a source of deceiving surface signatures on iron-rich asteroids. Science Advances, 5, eaav3971.
♦ Ganino, C., Libourel, G. & Bernard, A. (2019) Fumarolic incrustations at Kudryavy volcano (Kamtchatka) as a guideline for high- temperature (> 850° C) extinct hydrothermal systems. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 376, 75– 85.
♦ Lauretta D.S., DellaGiustina, D.N., … Libourel G., …et al. (2019) The unexpected surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu”. Nature 568, 55-60.
♦ DellaGiustina, D.N., Emery, J.P., … Libourel G., …et al. (2019) Properties of rubble-pile asteroid (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx imaging and thermal analysis. Nature Astronomy 3, 341-351.
♦ Ganino C., Libourel G., Nakamura A. M., Michel P. (2019) Are hypervelocity impacts able to produce chondrule-like ejecta? Planetary and Space Science. 177, 104684.
♦ Walsh K.J., Jawin E.R., … Libourel G., …et al., (2019) Craters, boulders and regolith of (101955) Bennu indicative of an old and dynamic surface. Nature Geoscience 12, 242-246.
♦ Delpeyrat J.*, Pigeonneau F., Libourel. G, (2019) Chondrule radiative cooling in a non- uniform density environment. Icarus. 329, 1-7.
♦ Libourel G., Portail M. (2018) Chondrules as direct thermochemical sensors of solar protoplanetary disk gas. Science Advances 4, eaar3321.
♦ Wada K., et al. (2018) Asteroid Ryugu before the Hayabusa2 encounter. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. 5, Article number: 82
♦ Hezel D., Harak M., Libourel G. (2018) What we know about elemental bulk chondrule and matrix compositions: Presenting the ChondriteDB Database. Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry. 78, 1-14.
♦ Ganino C., Libourel G., Nakamura A. M., S. Jacomet, O. Tottereau, and P. Michel, (2018) Impact?induced chemical fractionation as inferred from hypervelocity impact experiments with silicate projectiles and metallic targets. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences. 78, 1-14.
♦ Jones R., Villeneuve J.*, Libourel G. (2018). Thermal Histories of Chondrules. In S. Russell, H. Connolly Jr., & A. Krot (Eds.), Chondrules: Records of Protoplanetary Disk Processes (Cambridge Planetary Science, pp. 57-90). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108284073.003
♦ Krot, A., Nagashima, K., Libourel, G., Miller, K. (2018). Multiple Mechanisms of Transient Heating Events in the Protoplanetary Disk. In S. Russell, H. Connolly Jr., & A. Krot (Eds.), Chondrules: Records of Protoplanetary Disk Processes (Cambridge Planetary Science, pp. 11-56). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108284073.002
♦ Ebel, D., Alexander, C., Libourel, G. (2018). Vapor–Melt Exchange. In S. Russell, H. Connolly Jr., & A. Krot (Eds.), Chondrules: Records of Protoplanetary Disk Processes (Cambridge Planetary Science, pp. 151-174). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108284073.006
♦ Ganino C., Libourel G. (2017) Reduced and unstratified crust in CV chondrite parent body. Nature communications 8: 261, Published online 2017 Aug 15. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00293-1
♦ Libourel G., Michel P., Delbo M., Ganino C., Recio-Blanco A., De Laverny P., Zolensky M. E., Krot A.R., (2017) Primitive matter in the solar system. Icarus, 282, 375–379
♦ Soulié C.*, Libourel G., Tissandier L.* (2017) Olivine dissolution in molten silicates: applications to chondrule formation. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, 1-26.
♦ Nagashima K., Krot A.N., Libourel G., Schrader D.L., (in press.) 16O-rich olivine abundances in FeO-rich chondrules and their rims from CR chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
♦ Marrocchi, Y., Chaussidon, M., Piani L.*, Libourel G. (2016) Early scattering of the solar protoplanetary disk recorded in meteoritic chondrules. Science advances, 2, 7, e1601001, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1601001
♦ Piani L.*, Marrocchi, Y., Libourel G., Tissandier L.* (2016) Magmatic sulfides in the porphyritic chondrules of EH enstatite chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 195, 84-99
♦ Alí-Lagoa V., Delbo M., Libourel G. (2015) Rapid temperature changes and the early activity on comet 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 810:L22
♦ Villeneuve J*, Libourel G., Soulié C.* (2015) Relations between type I and type II chondrules and their relevance on chondrule formation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 160, 277–305.
♦ Delbo M., Libourel G., Wilkerson J., Murdoch N., Michel P., Ramesh K.T., Ganino C., Verati C., Marchi S., (2014). Thermal fatigue as the origin of regolith on small asteroids. Nature, 508, 233.
♦ Bouquain, S.*, Arndt, N.T., Faure, F., Libourel,G. (2014). An experimental study of pyroxene crystallization during rapid cooling in a thermal gradient: application to komatiites. Solid Earth. 5, 641-650
♦ Libourel G., Corrigan C. (2014). Asteroïds: new targets, new challenges. Elements, Vol. 14, 1, 11-17.
♦ Nagashima K., Krot A. N., Libourel G. (2014) Type I chondrules with ferroan igneous rims from Yamato 81020 CO3 and Acfer 094
♦ ungrouped Type 3 carbonaceous chondrites. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, 49, A295- A295
♦ Corrigan C., Libourel G. (2014). Asteroïds. Elements, Vol. 14, 1, 76p, ISSN 1811-5209
♦ Marrocchi Y., Libourel G. (2013). Sulfur and sulfides in chondrules. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 119, 117–136.
♦ Fuëri E., Aleon-Toppani A.*, Marty B., Libourel G., Zimmermann L. (2013). Effects of atmospheric entry heating on the noble gas and nitrogen content of micrometeorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 377-378, 1–12.
♦ Morlok A.*, Libourel G. (2013). Aqueous alteration in CR chondrites: Meteorite parent body processes as analogue for long-term corrosion processes relevant for nuclear waste disposal. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 103, 76–103.
♦ Faure F., Tissandier L.*, Libourel G., Mathieu R.*, Welsch B. (2012). Origin of glass inclusions hosted in magnesian porphyritic olivines chondrules: Deciphering planetesimal compositions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 319-320, 1–8.
♦ Villeneuve J.*, Chaussidon M., Libourel G. (2012). Lack of relationship between 26Al ages of chondrules and their mineralogical and chemical compositions. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 344(9), 423–431.
♦ Léger A., Grasset O., Fegley B., Codron F., … Libourel G., et al. (2011). The extreme physical properties of the CoRoT-7b super Earth. Icarus, 213, 1–11.
♦ Libourel G., Verney-Carron A.*, Morlok A.*, Gin S., Sterpenich J.*, Michelin A., Neff D., Dillmann P. (2011). The use of natural and archeological analogues for understanding the long-term behavior of nuclear glasses. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 343(2-3), 237–245.
♦ Mathieu R.*, Libourel G., Deloule E., Tissandier L*., Rapin C., Podor R. (2011). Na2O solubility in CaO-MgO-SiO2 melts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(2), 608–628.
♦ Villeneuve J.*, Chaussidon M., Libourel, G. (2011). Magnesium isotopes constraints on the origin of Mgrich olivines from the Allende chondrite: Nebular versus planetary? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 301, 107–116.
♦ Libourel, G., Chaussidon, M. (2011). Oxygen isotopic constraints on the origin of Mg-rich olivines from chondritic meteorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 301(1-2), 9–21.
♦ Verney-Carron A.*, Gin S., Frugier P., Libourel G. (2010). Long-term modeling of alteration- transport coupling: Application to a fractured Roman glass. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 74(8), 2291–2315.
♦ Valle N.*, Verney-Carron A.*, Sterpenich J.*, Libourel G., Deloule E., Jollivet, P. (2010). Elemental and isotopic (Si-29 and O-18) tracing of glass alteration mechanisms. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(12), 3412–3431.
♦ Verney-Carron A.*, Gin S., Libourel, G. (2010). Archaeological analogs and the future of nuclear waste glass. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 406(3), 365–370.
♦ Villeneuve J.*, Chaussidon M., Libourel, G. (2009). Homogeneous distribution of 26Al in the solar system from the Mg isotopic composition of chondrules. Science, 325(5943), 985–988.
♦ Le Forestier L.*, Libourel G. (2008). High temperature behavior of electrostatic precipitator ash from municipal solid wast combustors. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 154, 373-380
♦ Chaussidon M., Libourel G., Krot A.N. (2008). Oxygen isotopic constraints on the origin of magnesian chondrules and on the gaseous reservoirs in the early Solar System. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72, 1924-1938
♦ Verney-Carron A.*, Gin S., Libourel G. (2008). A fractured Roman glass block altered for 1800 years in seawater: Analogy with nuclear waste glass in a deep geological repository. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72, 5372-5385
♦ Mathieu R.*, Khedim H., Libourel G., Podor R.,Tissandier L.*, Deloule L., Faure F., Rapin C., Villasi M. (2008) Control of alkali-metal oxide activity in molten silicates. Journal of Non Crystalline Solids, 354, 5079-5083.
♦ Krot A. N., Yurimoto H., Hutcheon I. D., Libourel G., Chaussidon M., Tissandier L.*, Petaev M. I., MacPherson G. J., Paque- Heather J., Wark D. (2007). Type C Ca, Al-rich inclusions from Allende: Evidence for multistage formation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 71, 4342-4364
♦ Libourel G., Krot A.N. (2007). Evidence for the presence of planetesimal material among the precursors of magnesian chondrules of nebular origin. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. .254, 1-8
♦ Cloquet C.*, Carignan J., Libourel G. (2006). Atmospheric pollutant dispersal around an urban area using trace metal concentrations and Pb isotopic compositions in epiphytic lichens. Atmospheric Environment. 40, 574-
♦ Faure F., Ardnt N., Libourel G. (2006). Formation of spinifex in dry komatiite by thermal gradient experiments. J. Petrol 47, 1591-1610.
♦ Krot A. N., Libourel G., Chaussidon M. (2006). Oxygen isotope compositions of chondrules in CR chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 70, 767-779.
♦ Toppani A.*, Libourel G., Robert F., Ghambaja J. (2006). Laboratory condensation of refractory dust in protosolar and circum stellar conditions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta.70, 5035-5060
♦ Sterpenich J.*, Libourel G. (2006). Evidence of water diffusion in silicate glasses under natural weathering conditions given by buried medieval stained glasses. J. Non Cryst. Solid. 352, 5446-5451.
♦ Cloquet C.*, Carignan J., Libourel G. (2006). Tracing source pollution in soils using cadmium isotope. Environmental Science & Technology. 40, 2525-2530
♦ Krot A N., Yurimoto H., McKeegan K. D., Leshin L., Jones R. H., Chaussidon M., Libourel G., Yoshitake M., Huss G. R., Guan Y., Zanda B. (2006). Oxygen isotopic compositions of chondrules: invited review. Chemie der Erde. 66, 249-326
♦ Libourel G., Krot A.N., Tissandier L. (2006). The role of gas-melt interaction during chondrule formation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.251, 232-240
♦ Carignan J., Libourel G., Cloquet C.*, Le Forestier L.* (2005). The Pb isotopic composition of fly ash and flue gas residues from municipal solid waste incinerators in France : implications for atmospheric Pb source tracing. Environmental Science & Technology. 39, 2018-2024
♦ Krot A. N., Hutcheon I.D., Yurimoto H., Cuzzi. J. F., McKeegan K. D., Scott E. R. D., Libourel G.,
♦ Chaussidon M., Aléon A.*, Petaaev M. I. (2005). Evolution of oxygen isotopic composition in the inner solar nebula. Astrophys. J., 622, 1333-1342.
♦ Toppani A.*, Robert F., Libourel G., De Donato P., Barres O., Ghambaja J. (2005) – A dry condensation origin for circumstellar carbonates. Nature 437, 1121-1124.
♦ Hewins, R. H., Connolly, H. C. Jr., Lofgren, G. E. & Libourel, G. (2005). Experimental constraints on chondrule formation. In Chondrites and the Protoplanetary Disk, eds.
♦ A. N. Krot, E. R. D. Scott, & B. Reipurth, (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series), 341, 286-317.
♦ Krot A. N., Libourel G., Goodrich C., Petaev M. I. (2004). Silica-igneous rims around magnesian chondrules in CR carbonaceous chondrites : Evidence for fractional condensation during chondrule formation. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 39, 1931-1955
♦ Leroux H., Libourel G., Lemelle L., Guyot F. (2003). Dusty olivines in chondrites: evidence for formation by in-situ reduction. Meteoritics & Planetary Science.38, 81-94.
♦ Libourel G., Marty B., Humbert F.* (2003). Nitrogen solubility in basaltic melt. Part I. Effect of oxygen fugacity. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 67, 4123-4135.
♦ Toppani A.*, Libourel G. (2003). Factors controlling compositions of cosmic spinels. Applications to atmospheric entry conditions of meteoritic materials.. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 67, 4621-4638.
♦ Tissandier L.*, Libourel G., Robert F. (2002). Gas-melt interactions and their bearing on chondrule formation. Meteoritics & Planetary Science.37, 1377-1389.
♦ Humbert F.*, Libourel G., France-Lanord C., Zimmerman L., Marty B. (2001). CO2-laser extraction-static mass spectrometry analysis of ultra-low concentrations of nitrogen in silicates. Geostandards Newsletter, 24, 255-
♦ Sterpenich J.*, Libourel G. (2001). Using stained glass windows to understand the durability of toxic waste matrices. Chemical Geology, 174, 181-193.
♦ Lemelle L.*, Guyot F., Leroux H., Libourel G. (2001). An experimental study of the external reduction of olivine single crystals. American Mineralogist, 86, 47-54.
♦ Toppani A.*, Libourel G, Engrand C. Maurette M. (2001). Experimental simulation of atmospheric entry of micrometeorites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science.36, 1377-1396.
♦ Georges P.*, Libourel G, Deloule E. (2000). Experimental constraints on alkali condensation in chondrule formation. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 35, 1183-1188.
♦ Libourel G. (1999). Systematics of calcium partitioning between olivines and silicate melts: implications for melt structure and calcium content of magmatic olivines. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 136, 63-80.
♦ Le Forestier L.*, Libourel G. (1998). Characterization of flue gas residues from municipal solid waste combustors. Environmental Science & Technology. 32, 2250-2256
♦ Soulard H.*, Boivin P., Libourel G. (1994). Liquid-forsterite-anorthite-spinel assemblage at 1 bar in the CMAS:implications for low pressure evolution of high-Al and high-Mg magmas. Eur. J. Min. 6, 633-646.
♦ Toplis M.J.*, Libourel G., Caroll M.R.(1994). The role of phosphorus in crystallisation processes of basalt: an experimental study. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. Vol. 58, 797-810.
♦ Libourel G., Deloule E., Toplis M.J*. (1994). Phosphorus partitioning in basalts: an experimental and ion probe study. Min. Mag., Vol 58A, 527-528.
♦ Toplis M.J.*, Dingwell D.B., Libourel G. (1994). The effect of phosphorus on the iron redox ratio, viscosity and density of an evolved ferro- basalt. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 117, 293-304.
♦ Chaussidon M., Libourel G. (1993). Boron partitioning in the upper mantle: an experimental and ion probe study. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. Vol 57, 5053-5062.
♦ Libourel G., Geiger C., Merwin L, Sebald A. (1992) - 29Si and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy of glasses in the system CaSiO3-MgSiO3- Al2O3. Chemical Geology, 96, 387-397.
♦ Shi P., Libourel G. (1991) - The effects of FeO on the system CMAS at low pressure and implications for basalt crystallization processes. Contrib. Mineralogy and Petrology, 108, 129-
♦ Libourel G, Boivin P., Biggar G. M. (1989) - The univariant curve l=fo+an+di in the system C.M.A.S at one atmosphere: solid solutions and melt structures. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol . 102: 406-421.
♦ Libourel G. (1988). Le complexe de Santa- Lucia di Mercurio (Corse): un nouveau jalon de la base de croûte varisque en Méditérranée Occidentale. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 307, II, 1067-1073.
♦ Libourel G. (1988). Le complexe de Santa- Lucia di Mercurio (Corse): un équivalent possible des complexes de la Zone d'Ivrée:. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, 307, II, 1225-1230.
- Barbey P., Libourel G. (2003). Les relations de phases et leurs applications. Des Sciences de la Terre aux matériaux. Collection SGF, CPI, Editions scientifiques GB, Paris, 243p + CD- Rom, ISBN 2847030220.
- Corrigan, C., Libourel, G., (2014) Asteroids. Elements, Vol. 14, 1, 76p, ISSN 1811-5209.
- Geological maps and related: Rouire J., Rossi P., Bourges F., Libourel G., Dominici R. (1993) - Carte géologique de la France, PORTO-VECCHIO (Corse) 1/50 000. Editions du BRGM.
- Rossi P., Durand-Delga M., Caron J. M., Guieu G,. Conchon O., Libourel G., Loyepilot M. D. (1994) - Carte géologique de la France, CORTE (Corse) 1/50 000. Editions du BRGM.
- Lardeaux J.M., Menot R.P., Orsini J.B., Rossi P., Naud G., Libourel G. (1994) - Corsica and Sardinia in the variscan chain. In: "The Pre-Mesozoic terranes in France and related areas". J. D. Keppie, D. Santallier and A. Pigue ed., Springer-Verlag, 467-479.
Sterpenich J., Libourel G. (1997) - Les Vitraux médiévaux. Caractérisation physico-chimique de l’altération. TECHNE, La science au service de l’histoire de l’art et des civilisations. Revue semestrielle du Laboratoire de recherche des musées de France. n°6, 70-78.
Libourel G. (1997) - Verres et liquides silicatés. Exemples de recherches fondamentales et appliquées. Thèse d’habilitation à diriger des recherches. Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1.
Bottero J.Y, Chatelet L, Sterpenich J, Le Forestier L, Libourel G, Brown W, Yvon J, Bigois M, Remonte S, Olle M, Mosnier F, Bouchelaghem A (1996) - Les déchets ultimes inertes peuvent-ils devenir des matériaux utiles?. In: "Proceedings of the international congress on Waste Solidification-Stabilisation Processes". J.M. Cases and F. Thomas ed., 436-443.
Libourel G., Barbey P., Chaussidon M. (1994) - L'altération des vitraux. La Recherche. n° 262, 168-18♦