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L'ANO4 Euclid-Survey is the service (SNO) linked with the ESA space mission Euclid. It is in charge of the preparation, the production, and the data analysis of the ground-based and space observations composing the Euclid survey. The space telescope Euclid will provide visible and near-infrared photometry of over a billion galaxies. It will also provide near-infrared spectroscopy for several millions of galaxies. Large ground-based surveys of visible photometry and spectroscopy complete Euclid space-based data to measure photometric redshifts of galaxies. The service encompasses:

  • the preparation of the ground-based and space surveys,
  • the organisation and follow-up of these surveys,
  • the production and release of all the data from Euclid survey,
  • the data analysis of the survey.


Implication at OCA

The OCA (Lagrange laboratory) actively participate to the ESA space mission Euclid, both in the preparation of the scientific analysis and in the "Ground Segment"(in charge of the processing). The main domains of interest are :

  1. the production of a catalog of clusters of galaxies, and using it as cosmological probe to study the dark energy,
  2. numerical simulation (stellar and cosmological),
  3. the study of the small bodies of the Solar system.

Involved researchres and engineers at OCA

Remi Adam, Christope Benoist, Benoit Carry, Laurent Galluccio, Alain Minuissi, Sophie Maurogordato, Sébastien Peirani, Eric Slezak, Martin Vannier

Needs and prospectives (short term)

The following five "tâches de services" for which support is necessary are based on OCA commitments within Euclid consortium:

  • Development, realization, and delivery of algorithm within the "ground segment" to build the catalog of clusters of galaxies,
  • Realization and validation of the Euclid catalog of clusters of galaxies,
  • Tests and validation of the catalogs of galaxies from the numerical simulations,
  • Preparation of the spectroscopic follow-up of high-redshift clusters of galaxies detected by Euclid,
  • Realization of the processing pipeline for Solar system objects: source detection, morphological characterization, photometric analysis.

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