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Laboratoire Lagrange UMR7293 Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur CS 34229, 06304 Nice Cedex 4, France Tel: +33-4-92-00-30-48 Email: holger.homann@oca.eu |
- | H. Homann and F. Laenen (2018): SoAx: A generic C++ Structure of Arrays for handling particles in HPC codes. Comm. Phys. Comm., 224:325-332 [ arXiv ] |
- | S. Kreuzahler, Y. Ponty, N. Plihon, H. Homann and R. Grauer (2017) : Dynamo enhancement and mode selection triggered by high magnetic permeability. Phys. Rev. Lett., 119:234501 [ arXiv ] |
- | H. Homann, T. Guillot, J. Bec, C. W. Ormel, S. Ida and P. Tanga (2016): Effect of turbulence on collisions of dust particles with planetesimals in protoplanetary discs. A & A, 589:A129 [ arXiv ] |
- | J. Friedrich, H. Homann, T. Schäfer, and R. Grauer (2016): Longitudinal and transverse structure functions in high Reynolds-number magneto-hydrodynamic turbulence. New J. Phys., 18:125008 [ NJP ] |
- | J. Bec, S. S. Ray, E. W. Saw and H. Homann (2016): Abrupt growth of large aggregates by correlated coalescences in turbulent flow. Phys. Rev. E,93:031102(R) [ arXiv ] |
- | H. Homann and J. Bec (2015): Concentrations of inertial particles in the turbulent wake of an immobile sphere. Phys. Fluids, 27:053301 [ arXiv ] |
- | S. Kreuzahler, D. Schulz, H. Homann, Y. Ponty and R. Grauer (2014): Numerical study of impeller-driven von Karman flows via a volume penalization method. New J. Phys., 16:103001 [ NJP ] |
- | J. Bec, H. Homann and G. Krstulovic (2014): Clustering, fronts, and heat transfer in turbulent suspensions of heavy particles. Phys. Rev. Lett., 112:234503 [ arXiv ] |
- | H. Homann, Y. Ponty, G. Krstulovic and R. Grauer (2014): Structures and Lagrangian statistics of the Taylor-Green Dynamo. New J. Phys., 16:075014 [ NJP ] |
- | J. Bec, H. Homann and S. S. Ray (2014): Gravity-driven enhancement of heavy particle clustering in turbulent flow. Phys. Rev. Lett., 112:184501 [ arXiv ] |
- | M. Cisse, H. Homann and J. Bec (2013): Slipping motion of large neutrally-buoyant particles in turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 735:R1 [ arXiv ] |
- | H. Homann, J. Bec, and R. Grauer (2013): Effect of turbulent fluctuations on the drag and lift forces on a towed sphere and its boundary layer. J. Fluid Mech., 721:155 [ arXiv ] |
- | R. Bitane, H. Homann, and J. Bec (2013): Geometry and violent events in turbulent pair dispersion. J. Turbu., 14:23 [ arXiv ] |
- | R. Bitane, H. Homann, and J. Bec (2012): Time scales of turbulent relative dispersion. Phys. Rev E, 86:045302 [ arXiv ] |
- | R. Grauer, H. Homann, and J.-F. Pinton (2012): Longitudinal and Transverse structure functions in high Reynolds-number turbulence. New J. Phys., 14:063016 [ NJP ] |
- | H. Homann, D. Schulz, and R. Grauer (2011): Conditional Eulerian and Lagrangian velocity increment of fully developed turbulent flow. Phys. Fluids, 23:55102. [ arXiv ] |
- | T. Hater, H. Homann, and R. Grauer (2011): Lagrangian model for the evolution of turbulent magnetic and passive scalar fields. Phys. Rev. E, 83:017302. [ arXiv ] |
- | H. Homann and J. Bec (2010): Finite-size effects in the dynamics of neutrally buoyant particles in turbulent flow. J. Fluid Mech., 651:81–91. [ arXiv ] |
- | H. Homann, J. Bec, H. Fichtner, and R. Grauer (2009): Clustering of passive impurities in mhd turbulence. Phys. Plasmas, 16:082308. [ arXiv ] |
- | H. Homann, O. Kamps, R. Friedrich, and R. Grauer (2009): Bridging from Eulerian to Lagrangian statistics in 3d hydro- and magnetohydrodynamic turbulent flows. New J. Phys., 11:073020. [ NJP ] |
- | R. Friedrich, R. Grauer, H. Homann, and O. Kamps (2009): Statistics of a mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian velocity increment in fully developped turbulence. Physica Scripta, 79:055403. |
- | ICTR, A. Arneodo, R. Benzi, J. Berg, L. Biferale, E. Bodenschatz, A. Busse, E. Calzavarini, B. Castaing, M. Cencini, L. Chevillard, R. Fisher, R. Grauer, H. Homann, D. Lamb, A.S. Lanotte, E. Leveque, B. Luethi, J. Mann, N. Mordant, W.C. Mueller, S. Ott, N.T. Ouellette, J.F. Pinton, S.B. Pope, S.G. Roux, F. Toschi, H. Xu, and P.K. Young (2008): Universal intermittent properties of particle trajectories in highly turbulent flows. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100:254504. |
- | T. Grafke, H. Homann, J. Dreher, and R. Grauer (2008): Numerical simulations of possible finite time singularities in the incompressible Euler Equations: Comparison of numerical methods. Physica D, 237:1932–1936. |
- | A. Busse, W.C. Müller, H. Homann, and R. Grauer (2007): Statistics of passive tracers in three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. Phys. Plasmas, 14:122303. |
- | H. Homann, R. Grauer, A. Busse, and W.C. Müller (2007): Lagrangian statistics of navier-stokes and mhd turbulence. J. Plasma Phys., 73:821–830. |
- | H. Homann, J. Dreher, and R. Grauer (2007): Impact of the floating-point precision and interpolation scheme on the results of dns of turbulence by pseudo-spectral codes. Comput. Phys. Comm., 177:560–565. |
- | H. Homann and R. Grauer (2005): Bifurcation analysis of magnetic reconnection in Hall-MHD-systems. Physica D, 205:59–72. |
- | H. Homann (2017): Modeling and Simulation of Finite-Size Particles in Turbulence. CISM book 'Collective Dynamics of Particles', 576:39–66, Springer. |
- | S. Kreuzahler, R. Grauer, H. Homann and Y. Ponty (2016): Direct Numerical Simulations of Impeller Driven Turbulence and Dynamo Action. Proceedings of the NIC Symposium 2016, Juelich. [ NIC ] |
- | H. Homann, J. Bec and R. Grauer (2013): Effect of turbulent fluctuations on the drag force and boundary layer of a towed sphere. Proceedings of the 14th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Lyon. [ OpenConf ] |
- | E.W. Saw, G. Bewley, S.S. Ray, H. Homann, J. Bec and E. Bodenschatz (2013): Relative velocities of inertial particles at the dissipative scales of turbulence. Proceedings of the 14th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Lyon. [ OpenConf ] |
- | Y. Ponty, S. Kreuzahler, H. Homann and R. Grauer (2013): Numerical Von Kármán flow forcing by two rotating propeller using penalization method. Proceedings of the 14th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Lyon. [ OpenConf ] |
- | M. Cisse, H. Homann and J. Bec (2013): The slip direction of large-size particles in turbulent flow. Proceedings of the 14th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Lyon. [ OpenConf ] |
- | J. Bec, R. Bitane and H. Homann, (2013): Statistics of velocity differences between Lagrangian tracers in a developed turbulent flow. Proceedings of the 14th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Lyon. [ OpenConf ] |
- | H. Homann, J. Bec, and R. Grauer (2010): DNS of finite size particles in turbulent flow. volume 3 of IAS Series, p. 357–364. |
- | H. Homann, T. Hater, C. Beetz, C. Schwarz, J. Dreher, and R. Grauer (2008): Massively parallel simulations of Lagrangian plasma turbulence. volume 39 of NIC Series, p. 333–341. |
- | Lukas Arnold, Christoph Beetz, Jürgen Dreher, Holger Homann, Christian Schwarz, and Rainer Grauer (2007): Massively parallel simulations of solar flares and plasma turbulence. In PARCO, p. 467–474. |
- | H. Homann (2006): Lagrangian statistics of turbulent flows in fluids and plasmas. Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. [ PDF ] |