The DART and AIM studies are each supported by 4 working groups. The AIDA Coordination Committee is co-chaired by

  • Dr. Andy Cheng (DART team lead) and Dr. Patrick Michel (AIM team lead).

The AIDA Coordination Committee leads and coordinates these 4 working groups addressing these topics:

1. [Modeling and Simulation of Impact Outcomes] – what are expected outcomes of the DART impact and how they are affected by target properties, structures and impact conditions, including specifically the beta factor, the long term fate of ejecta and orbital dynamics?

Coodinated by:

  • Dr. Angela Stickle (JHU/APL, USA)
  • Pr. Paul Miller (LLNL, USA)
  • Dr. Stephen R. Schwartz (Obs. Côte d’Azur, France)

2. [Remote Sensing Observations] – what are the properties of the Didymos system and the Didymos moon, particularly sizes, orbit, rotation and pole position, and photometric properties?

Coordinated by

  • Dr. Andy Rivkin (JHU/APL, USA)
  • Dr. Petr Pravec (Ondrejov Obs., Czech Rep.)

3. [Dynamical and Physical properties of Didymos] – What is the dynamics of the Didymos system, what is the influence of the environment (e.g. solar tides) and how to accurately measure the consequences of the DART impact? How to infer physical properties of Didymos and specifically its moon and environment, based on current knowledge (binary formation scenarios, orbital and rotational dynamics, radar shape, spectral properties ...)?

Coordinated by:

  • Pr. Derek C. Richardson (Univ. Maryland, USA)
  • Dr. Kleomenis Tsiganis (Univ. Thessaloniki, Greece)
  • Pr. Adriano Campo Bagatin (Univ. Alicante, Spain)

4. [Science Proximity Operations] – how will AIM make the required measurements?

Coordinated by:

  • Dr. Stephan Ulamec (DLR, Germany)
  • Dr. Olivier Barnouin (JHU/APL, USA)