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  • Collaboration with Jalludin Mohamed, Director of CERD and Medhi Messous, responsble of ORREC, Djibouti and participation for Jessie Cauliez and Marie Revel in the inauguration of the Regional Observatory of Research on Environment and Climate - ORREC- in Djibouti in 2022. Supported by the Ministry of Education and Research and the Centre d'Études et de Recherches de Djibouti -CERD-, the ORREC was inaugurated on October 23, 2022 with the aim of finding and developing the most relevant and sustainable solutions to the impacts of the climate and environmental crisis that is affecting Djibouti and Sahelian and sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Collaboration with Christopher Scholz and Mohamed Osman Awaleh (director of IST of the CERD) about geophysical studies of the lake Abhe seismic records.
  • Collaboration with Demelash Wondimagegnehu and his collegues from Arba Minch University Water technology institute (AWTI)  about hydrological/ fluvial flow reconstruction studies of the Afar depression in order to develop a rainfall-Runoff model at this regional geographic scale.
  • Collaboration with Dereje Ayalew and Raphael Pik in geochemical study of Awash suspended matter.


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